Sunday, March 17, 2019

Inspiration for Filming

My group and I finally finished the basics of the storyboard. We established that the 
beginning of the film opening will consist of the artistic approach of embedding the 
opening credits onto the articles of clothing. There will only be five credits to film so 
that it does take up the majority of the film opening. After these scenes, which are being 
filmed last due to its complexity, we are going to film the school scenes of Margo giving 
reasons for running away. We wanted to use some mid shots and two-shot to establish 
a relationship between Margo and Liam and depict their interaction. We drew inspiration 
for these types of shots from Twilight, especially when Bella meets Edward for the first time 
in their chemistry class. Here is an image of the scene we are trying to emulate.


Also, here are images of our storyboard to get an idea of what we are trying to accomplish.

Once Margo explains her motives of running away to Liam and her asking if he wants to 
join her, the film opening will end with Margo and Liam in the car saying, “Where to next?” 
I’ll let you know how filming goes.

Bye for now!

Works Cited:
IMDb. “Twilight.” 2019.

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