Saturday, March 30, 2019

Let's Get Creative!

Now that we have decided our artistic scenes, it was time to film them. I was
excited because I had a lot of ideas that I thought would look really intriguing on
screen, so I couldn’t wait to implement them.

Since most of my group members were away on spring break, I decided to experiment
with the scenes and try filming them myself. There were four different opening credits
that we wanted to include in the beginning of our film opening; therefore we needed
four different artistic approaches. (We thought this was the perfect amount because
we didn’t want to have too many or too little.) Our first scene includes folding a shirt
into a bag; the next scene is spilling nail polish; and the third will be a cool sign that
lights up. It was interesting because I was actually missing one artistic approach, but
as I was trying to think of another cool way to implement the opening scene, I came
across this light up sign that I got for my birthday a couple years ago.
I figured I could rearrange the letters and write an opening credit on it. But anyways,
back to the scenes, the fourth one will have lipstick written on my mirror that is in my

However, I still had to decide the order of the opening credits. I wasn’t sure which
goes first; does “Edited by” go before “Produced by” or vice versa? I don’t know. So,
I clicked on one of my favorite shows The Umbrella Academy and I studied the order
of their credits. I learned that it goes “Starring,” “Produced by,” “Edited by,” and then
“Directed by.” For our opening film, we had decided before break that it would be
“Starring Paola Toro and Tomas Quilaqueo,” “Produced by Sara Briones,” “Edited
by Isabella Rivera,” and then “Directed by Daniela Kim.”

I’ll let you know how everything turns out! Bye for now!

Works Cited:
IMDb. “The Umbrella Academy.” 2019.

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