Saturday, March 9, 2019

Open To Discussion

After some discussion in class, we received great feedback from our classmates! 

They suggested that the scene opens with Margo and Liam driving away from home. 
This can be utilized by a two shot of the characters from the back. The following image 
is what we are trying to achieve.

As Margo looks out the window, she can have flashbacks of why she decided to run
away from home. The flashbacks can be similar to the ones from Titanic because 
when Rose recalls her memories while on the infamous Titanic, there is a jump cut to 
the 1920s with aristocratic clothing and scenery of the great ship. There is no unusual 
edit or filter applied, which is what we liked about the flashbacks from the Titanic. We feel 
that the edits and black-and-white filter are too mainstream and wanted to achieve a 
flashback in a more natural way.  

Overall, we agree with our classmates because this creates an interesting artistic approach 
that can keep audiences engaged for the rest of the movie. In addition, I feel that we can 
still keep the artistic approach of the clothes that I discussed in earlier blogs because these 
scenes can be incorporated into the flashbacks. I’ll let you know more about the dialogue 
between Margo and Liam next time. Bye for now!

Works Cited:
IMDb. “Titanic.” 2019.
Shutterstock. “Looking Out Back Window Car Footage.” 2019.

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